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#3695 Search by image name

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Friday, 18 October 2019 10:48 UTC

 with the search, integration is there any way of making it so it can find a single image name.

for example, if I'm sending contact sheets out to people and they want to find one exact image all they have to do is search the image name on the contact sheet and it will pop up. Currently can only get it to find events.


As soon as Joomla supports showing thumbnails in the search result page, I'll support search for files. Right now, a core file modification is necessary. That is something one should not do, so I'll keep waiting.

is there anyway of doing it without showing the thumbnail?

You would need a new search plugin which adds the necessary information to the search index (smart search) or executes the search for the old search implementation. I had one for testing, but can't find it right now :(