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#2619 Black background on png

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Friday, 24 March 2017 08:12 UTC

Hello I got a problem uploading certain images.

Whenever I upload an transparent .png file, it gets rendered with black background.

How to prevent this? Or in any case change background to different color?

Hope this can be solved.

- Mark


using PNG files as source images is already an edge case for Event Gallery. Using PNG files with transparent background is even worst. Out of the box you're out of luck. There is no option to configure this behavior differently. Keep in mind that all thumbnails are JPEG files. So the easiest way would be to upload JPEG files initially.

If you're able to do some coding this might help you too:

The file components\com_eventgallery\library\common\imageprocessor.php contains the line imagecreatefrompng(..) where you need to add some code to adjust the background color.

I guess tranparent .png's is a general problem all over when it comes to CMS systems from what I can gather.

And I'm afraid my line of work is more focused in the graphic design, rather than coding.
However I think you've pointed me in the right direction! Guess I'll give it a go thank you :)

You're welcome :)