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#2427 Subcategories - Navigation

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by ridgerobinson on Saturday, 12 November 2016 23:20 UTC

 Hello, great extension. I would like to purchase the extended version, but just have a couple questions first that I am having difficulty with on the regular/free version. This is the link I am referring to in these statements:

1) On this page, I would like to show the subcategories (like they are), but to add in a thumbnail for each one. Basically, I would like these to look like the events blocks below them with the thumbnail and then category name. Is this possible? (I saw another forum from March 2015 asking similar, but the response was that this is not a feature yet...not sure if it is now).
1a) I do see when creating a category, that you can go to the Options tab, and then input an image. I don't see where this ends up showing/how it is used?

2) If you click on a subcategory (in my example, please try 'Lightscapes'). Here there is only one event, so now I have to click on it again to actually open the gallery inside of it. Is it possible so that if a subcategory has only one event, that when you click on that subcategory, it will automatically open the event inside of it?

I appreciate the assistance...if these are ok to do, I will certainly be getting the extended. I like this package!



let me answer your questions briefly

1) it still not implemented :)
The question is if you really need this or if your just used to folder based navigation structures. Depending on the hierarchy you plan to use you can also use articles for the intro pages and link to the albums from there.

2) no. This shortcut does not exist.

Thanks for your quick feedback. I am going to continue testing some areas with the free version!