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#2337 Image in Lightbox bigger than 1440px?

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by dromader59 on Monday, 12 September 2016 20:33 UTC


I have a problem with size of images shown in lightbox. I upload images with width/height 1600-1920px, and the result after clicking on image in event is max 1440px. When I download image with right click from light box, every saved image is 1440px wide (when horizontal) or high (when vertical). Uploaded images are original size in "images" directory, but component processes picked images and saves in "cache" directory with size 1440px and of course thumbnails. So I assume, that this is done on purpose. And here is my question. Is it possible to change value of this 1440px?

Thanks for answer

1440px is the maximum thumbnail size Event Gallery delivers to the browser. You can try to change this in a file: components\com_eventgallery\config.php Make sure you read the comments in this file.

Event Gallery 3.6 will have 1600px max out of the box.

Thank you, it works