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#3946 HTML with link in caption

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by stawebnice on Saturday, 31 October 2020 12:57 UTC


Hi Sven,

I would like to add html link to eshop to image caption, but when I do so, it messes everything up (and I checked for unclosed tags).

Does event gallery support html in caption? I was under impression that I used to add links before, but now I am not sure. 

I am enclosing video... here>


Please, could you advise how to do it right?


Also facebook sharing includes caption, but not title see the attached image>






This is actually an HTML issue. You can't nest a-tags. The whole image tile is a link. 

I can put this on my list and check what is possible. 


Facebook: the page which gets shared contains an og:title-tag with the title of the image. Facebooks seems to ignore this. Setting the title-tag of the sharing page might help. You could override components\com_eventgallery\views\singleimage\tmpl\minipage.php and add the line:

<?php $this->document->setTitle(strip_tags($file->getFileTitle()));?>

 I'll add this line in the next release, too.


Overlay content: right now the a-tag wraps the whole thumbnail including the overlay content. Wherever you click, you'll open the image page or the lightbox. If I allow links in the image caption, you can't click the overlay anymore. And of course, on mobile this is useless. Would in this case be the tiles-layout a better choice? There the caption is below the image and always visible.

btw... a workaround would like this: <span onclick="...">my fake link</span>




I hope you're healthy! Do you have any comment on what I wrote above?


Hello Sven,

that sounds good! I will try that! Thanks a lot and take care! I overlooked your previous comment in my emails, sorry.