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#3199 Latest Events

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Sunday, 24 June 2018 16:15 UTC

 Hi Sven,

I've recently changed Latest Events to be more specific to the way my website is laid out - People, Places, and Things.

Only the Places latest events module is working, even though all modules have identical settings. Please see the home page of my site for example:

Attached are the screen shots of the Module settings for each.

Any suggestions?




Are there events assigned directly to those categories? You could try to turn on the recursive category handling in the components options. Please make sure to clear the module cache if you change settings. 

Hi Sven,

There are no events tied directly to the categories, but there are sub-categories with events.
I've attached a screen shot of my Category structure.

I have turned on recursive items and recursive item count, cleared the cache and cleared expired cache, but no difference.


Well... that module does not support the recursive stuff. I quickly added some code. I don't my dev environment with me so that code is just a guess. Feel free to grab the new version from here:

You can install it using the Joomla Extension Manager. A new configuration option for the module will appear so selecting events recursively will work. If you encounter any trouble, you can fix this by installing the whole Event Gallery package again.

Perfect! Works great! Thanks for your prompt response. Awesome work :-)

This change will be part of the next version, so you don't need to worry about anything with the next update.