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#2644 Order Images Button Dialog Box

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Sunday, 09 April 2017 15:57 UTC

 Hi Sven,

I need to add some text and/or html to the dialog box that comes up when clicking the Order Images button. I've been all over the back end files looking for where from or how this text is generated ...

"Please use the buttons you can find on each image to add it to the cart. Images which are already in your cart are marked with the icon."

But can not find a clue.

Could you point me in the right direction to find where to modify this <p> element. I guessing I need to create an override but I don't know where to apply it.

Many thanks

You need to create an override using the Joomla language manager. The key is COM_EVENTGALLERY_PRODUCT_BUY_IMAGES_HELP