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#2541 Is it possible to limit the number of images on one page

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Monday, 30 January 2017 07:20 UTC

 If you visit: we have over 400 images for this event making it nearly unloadable for the average user


I see. I don't think that the number of images are an issue in general. You can use the paging option to enable a paging behavior. You can set this both in the components options and the menu item. But I don't think this will solve this issue. Your server is slow. It needs about 10-16 seconds to calculate a thumbnail. You can avoid creating too many thumbnails by setting the jitter parameter to 0.

Once thumbnails are cached, they are delivered in 0.5-1 second per image. Still kind of slow. You could improve this if you move your images to Google Photos or Flickr.