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#2512 Free images only for some users

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Wednesday, 04 January 2017 20:50 UTC

Hi. I would like to sell some digital images, but I also would like to let the same pictures available for free for some specific users (my supporters who have already paid a subscription). The only way I found out, studying your extension, is to create two events with the same pictures (one available for public users, the other one only for supporters), with the same pictures (but necessarily uploaded in two different folders - sigh!). The two different Events should have two different Image Type sets, with different Image types (always digital copies, but one for free, and the other one to be paid). It works, but there's some work to do every time I have a new Event to publish. Can yoy suggest something better?


I'm afraid you already found the solution. Image types are not user group specific so using using a copy of the event is the only way to achieve your requirement.

Ok, but you should think to an easy solution for that in the next releases. It would be a great added value. Thanks

Why is everybody saying this for his feature wish? ;-)